Value Proposition Canvas

Mushahid Husain khan
1 min readFeb 14, 2021


The VPC is the perfect complement to the Business Model Canvas. © Alexander Osterwalder

Values proposition canvas helps an individual to ensure that there is a fit between product and market. It is divided into two areas — Customer segment and Value Map.

  1. Customer Segment profile has 3 mentioned elements which describe customer characteristic that one can observe in the market:

1.1 Customer Jobs: The functional, social, and emotional tasks customers are trying to perform. It can be the problems they are trying to solve or the needs they are trying to satisfy.

1.2 Pains: things that annoy customers before getting the job done. This could be undesired cost and situations, negative emotions or risks.

1.3 Gains: the benefits which customer expects or desire like functional utilities, social gains.

2. Value Map

2.1 Pain relievers: how the product or service alleviates customer pains

2.2 Products and services: the products and services which create gain and relieve pain

2.3 Gain creators: how product and service create customer gains and how it offers added value to the customer.

A fit is achieved when the products and services offered as part of the value proposition address the most significant pains and gains from the customer profile.

Reference: Value Proposition — How to Build a Startup

